Creating positive changes to one’s environment can profoundly transform your life on an energetic, mental, physical & emotional level. By altering our surroundings in a meaningful way, we reshape the way we live & the experiences & people we invite into our lives.

Colleen McCann

Hi! I’m an energy stylist, co-creating a beautiful and playful space to get grounded, heal issues, practice self-care, build better boundaries, tap into your intuition & much more.

After straddling the fashion & wellness industries for the last 20 years, I developed my own brand of ‘glamour magic’, by blending my experiences as a designer, stylist, brand consultant, healer, mentor, teacher, coach, author and a serial entrepreneur. Get the skinny on my story as a former NYC fashion stylist turn intuitive & perpetual student of the universe. Read more about my adventure here.

Dip your toe into the mystical waters through my signature style of ‘Intuitive Storytelling’ at private & public healing sessions and events. We can do all this & more, virtually!

Transform your space, mindset, and energy with Colleen’s intuitive guidance. Whether in-person or virtual, she’ll help you reimagine your ‘sacred space’ with a personalized session tailored to your needs—manifestation, personal growth, stress management, energetic shifts, and more. Ready to realign?


Tap into your "Soul GPS" with this essential guide to the healing power of crystals, from their ancient origins to their modern-day applications.

Published by HarperCollins, I sprinkled my sparkle into this book and I can’t wait to get it into your hot little hands. Purchase from your local bookseller, Amazon, Barnes n’ Noble or listen via Audible!

The Book / Crystal RX
  • “So I have had a journey since my last meetings with Colleen. I loved every session and the included mystical care package. It was really nice having the sessions with Colleen to feel a bit "normal" and to hear her experiences as well. I'd love to work with Colleen again in the future.”

    — Tabitha

  • "Colleen is one of the most comprehensively versed women I know in the Healing Arts. Not only has she led me to a deeper understanding of my own developing gifts, but has been an incredible light on that path. While she is capable of handling most healing rituals herself, I also find it wonderful that she has the confidence and the foresight to refer me to other powerful women in her network when she feels I might benefit from what they uniquely have to offer. That, to me, is a true statement of her dedication to my healing and growth. Her ability to do this work on the "front lines" while remaining present and active in the world around her, makes her a dynamic Light Worker and an inspiration."

    — Andi Scarbrough, Owner Framed Salon/Hair Stylist/Educator, Los Angeles

  • “Colleen is very knowledgeable and has a very easy going manner of relaying the information. Her passion comes through!”

    — Wendy L. Whelan

  • "I started working with Colleen during one of the most difficult times of my life, when I had some big, uncomfortable things to look at and decisions to make. There is a lot I can say about Colleen, but it comes down to this: she is a catalyst for helping you see the best, strongest, most self-loving and powerful version of yourself so you can become the conduit for love you are meant to be. Among her many gifts, she has always been able to see and recommend the action steps I needed to take in order to move myself forward."

    — Leah


Join the Style Ritual’s community and receive a curated download with tips on how to flex your intuitive muscle & Colleen’s favorite ways to ‘style your energy’ within your personal space.

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